The Immune Response To Power

people are taught to disown their power to get their attachment needs met and believe they'll get them met by sacrificing themselves to the systems that caused the conditions that prohibited their needs from being met in the first place
everyone is clawing their way up because the pecking order generated by disowning your power causes poor conditions for people who don't play by the rules, which is genuinely threatening
the way out is reclaiming your power while improving stress dissipation capacity
"having what everyone wants" without the Appropriate Markers is perceived as defection and you get the full force of the nexus of unmet attachment needs projected onto you, which is incredibly destabilizing
if you have It, they don't, so they need to reinforce the pecking order
the INSTANT someone/something notices you've reclaimed your power, there's an "immune reaction" that kicks in you have to be capable of processing this in realtime, as it occurs, consistently- to avoid compliance, psychological breakdown, or violence
there's a move you can make where you kind of fully step into high energy reality warping mode that lets you ride the crest of the probability collapse but it actually literally ups the stakes bc the ideological immune system of consensus reality starts to smell you
— active resonator (@loopholekid) January 26, 2024
merely abiding in awake awareness can be enough to trigger this immune reaction, which I think is experienced as despair, fear, abandonment, etc- usually under layers of defenses, up to and including violence, legal + otherwise, up to what's allowed by someone's pecking order position
claiming your power makes you a threat to the system they deferred their power to AND triggers the network of implicit memories tied to the feelings they disowned their power to avoid, which are coupled
challenging the deferred source of power challenges security itself
attempts to just GIVE them the thing don't work either (unless they're receptive) because they don't see what you're offering, only the lack of safety implied by not disowning their power which is deeply embedded in their nervous system hence, the psychoanalytic weapon
also as your capacity increases more and more shit will get routed to you and asking someone to start on this path feels, to them, like nonstop whirlwind destabilizing experiences- exactly the experience of someone who is owning their power and Has The Thing
of course it's entirely worth it to do this, regardless